A Full Moon Playlist

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When I was little, I often thought the moon was following me. My parents would be driving home from a party or a late-night dinner, chatting about their day, gossiping — while I sat in the backseat locked in a staring contest with the moon. To my astonishment, no matter how fast we went, the moon kept our pace, never losing sight of me. Years later, when I became the parent behind the wheel, my three-year-old daughter would experience the same phenomenon. In a curious but slightly fearful tone, she asked,  “Why does the moon follow me, Mama?” 

Of course, the moon wasn’t following either of us. The moon is so far away that we don’t see it from different angles; it appears to be in the same angular position, especially from a moving car. Things like houses and trees seem to move in between you and the moon, making it look as if it’s following along with you. But for me, that experience as a young girl felt so real — so incredible — that a lifelong obsession with the moon was inevitable.

My daughter’s mixture of fear and admiration when questioning the moon is how I feel about the moon today. When I gaze at the full moon, bright and ominous in a blanket of black sky, I’m entranced by its beauty while also being acutely aware of my short and meaningless existence. I thrive off this duality— it’s why the moon is interesting: it’s enigmatic (like most things I admire). But it’s also comforting. I rely on its monthly phases. I know when and where it will be in the sky. In a time when so much feels uncertain, the moon is a mysterious solace. How cool is that?

If you’re obsessed with the moon like me, I’ve created a playlist for your late-night moon-viewing. Enjoy!


A (Not So) Grand Escape


A New Look (But Now What?)